
How long is the delivery time?
Our standard delivery time is 1-4 working days after ordering. During certain intensive periods, deviations may occur. You will be informed if there are any delays. We can also offer DHL Express overnight.

Delayed delivery
During high season or when there is a high load, we may experience slightly longer delivery times. You will receive a delivery confirmation email when your order is shipped. If you have not received an email within 4 working days, we will send you a message.

How much does shipping cost?
We use Posten Norge for delivery and follow their rates. It will be automatically calculated when you place an order. We offer free shipping on orders over NOK 899.

How do I track my package?
You will receive a delivery confirmation within 1-2 days of your order. This means that your item has been sent from us. More information can be found on your delivery confirmation.

How do I return a product?
If you want to return an item, do this: Send an email to stating that you want a return label. Print the right of withdrawal form and put it in the package. Tape on the return label and deliver to the nearest post office. When we receive the package, we credit the goods and charge a fee of NOK 81 to cover return shipping. You can also buy postage at your post office and then this is paid directly to the carrier himself.

In order to be refunded the full amount in case of return/right of cancellation, the item must be sent back in the same condition as when you received it. That is, in original packaging, with all tags attached, without smells, marks or fur from domestic animals.

Sports bras can be returned, but upon return they must be without deodorant stains/smells.

If you return a used item, we assess the item's value reduction and refund the item's used value. An item without original packaging, tags or with smell/marks/fur will be considered used and the full amount will not be eligible for a refund.

Unclaimed packages that are sent back to us will be charged NOK 250 to the customer.

It costs NOK 81 to use our return label. This label has tracking and insurance on your return package. If you wish to return the package in another way, it is entirely up to you, but you are responsible for the package until we have received it from us.

Once we have processed your return (it usually takes 1-3 weeks) you will receive an email from us.
In the event of an unpaid invoice, the item(s) will be deleted from your invoice.
If you have paid your invoice, or paid by card, Klarna will contact you for a refund (this usually takes 7-14 working days after the return has been processed).
To avoid restocking fees on goods you have sent back, you must contact Klarna or log in to . Here you can also get an overview of your outstanding amounts and payment information. The customer is himself responsible for any late fees.

How do I change size or to another product?
The fastest and easiest way is for you to place a new order for the new product, in the shopping cart you write a comment that it is an exchange. You will then receive a shipping label and return bag in your new package so you can easily post it. You will then be reimbursed for the previous one once we have received it and it has been approved.